Last week’s blog contained great tips for showing yourself gratitude, and tapped in on my 5 years of owning a FOCUS WORD. It’s a word I choose at the beginning of every year to help align my thoughts and propel me into action.
After the first couple of years having my own word, I found that it was actually incredibly beneficial to achieving my goals. I decided to share this method with my office team, and now we create our own words and talk about how they will keep our focus in the coming year. It has amazed me how true it is that when you write something down and focus on it, it really makes a difference and after a year you actually see the results!
My team is encouraged to visit their focus word often. In order to do that, I have them type it up and add what it means to them. They are as creative as they want to be with their word. Some have designs to assist their focus, others have found pictures, quotes and other sayings cut out of magazines and pasted to their word to assist them.
We thought we would share ours with you to give you an idea to start your own FOCUS WORD for 2015.