A-Zs of party planning
Ask your child what theme/ party activities excite them
Bubbles are great at parties
Cake is often best homemade
Decorate with tons of balloons
Entertainment makes the party easier for you ie clowns, bouncy castles, magic shows
Food is best kept simple ie mini sandwiches, chips, juice, mini hotdogs
Goodie bags are given at the end or give 1 larger item like a ball or beanie baby
Hire someone to help ie a babysitter
Invite a manageable number of kids
Jellybean guess, hunt or as table decoration
Keep it simple
Laugh often
Music really makes a party
Never make the party longer than a couple of hours
Open presents at the end
Pictures are a great memory or thank you card idea
Quiet ideas are great ie story, crafts, playdoh
Remember to make the birthday child 1st for games, cake etc
Spin the bottle for present opening
Tattoos and face painting are fun for all ages
Use things from around the house for tossing games etc
Very unexpected guests sometimes show up ie neighbors, siblings- have extras
Well planned parties always turn out best ie rainplan, timeline
X-citement is contagious- be prepared for the high energy
Yes- you can do it!
Z- get some zzzs before the big day- especially the birthday child
courtesy of Par-T-Perfect www.par-t-perfect.com
Your Complete Children’s party and event service